Andrew W

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Alright so for starters I'm giving up on saying artists names sense it seems the vast majority of them don't put it on the internetz (which I can't blame them not even I put my real name on here) So if they don't have their name up I'll just go by their online ID. Now with that said the name of today's artists (drum roll!!!) Andrew W! Now he doesn't have much (ok almost nothing) in his gallery but there are two pieces that I absolutely adore. The first is the piece above titled "Dreams of Ryloth" See I love the race called Twi'Lek's from the Star Wars universe and I have seen hundreds of images depicting them (literally hundreds I have almost 1000 saved to my computer and seen hundread's more I didn't think were worth saving) but there is something about this piece that just stands out to me and makes it rememberable. 


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Stephan McGowan

Friday, February 4, 2011

I am skipping out of order today (yes there is a method to my madness for choosing which artists in which order) I bring you the lovely and multitalented Stephan McGowan. Talk about natural talent, I don't think I can even begin to label (or tag) all the different types of work he does. Really it seems like you think of it he has at least one piece (and often several more) of it in his gallery. I have been looking though it so much and it is just amazing! If every artists gallery was like his I would never be able to pull away from the computer screen (hard enough now as it is). His work shows so many different styles and levels of realism it is shocking. There are pieces that look almost like photographs (and there are a few that are) and others that are are the compete opposite. His sketches can hold as much fun and excitement as the full colored works and his attention to detail in that later makes me want to order a print and take a magnifying glass to it and see if there is such a thing as a flaw in any of his work and well having prints of his work would be amazing to.

And now on to the whimsical taste of his pieces, there is a free flowing magic in his works that I find inspiring, if I was a better analyst I might be able to find something wrong with his style or his lighting or his anatomy... but I'm not so from where I sit his work is perfect. Absolutely perfect. The best part, he's not only a great artist, photographer, animator (ok I haven't had time to look at her animations so I'm not sure), and designer but he also does some writing. I've been busy reading "The Art Theft Guide" by his, I think all people should be forced to read this cause it states very clearly what is and is not stealing.... which now that I think about it this may or may not fall into the category of theft... hmm I'll have to keep reading to see if it says anything about this... Oh well that's all for today take care until tomorrow and don't freeze to much with all this winter cold.


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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Let me start off my apologizing for not updating for almost a week. I'm afraid some personal stuff came up which prevented me from having access to the internet. However this shouldn't happen again as I have discovered that I can write posts and set the become public at a designated time on a certain day and I can do this for days in advance. So I will work on writing two a day so that the new, beautiful and talented artists never stop coming. Now on to the art, once again I know not the name of today's artists but instead of coming up with some sort of crazy inspiring name I will simply call her by the name she has chosen to be known by on the internet, Airgirl39. I don't know if any of you are fans Avatar: The Last Airbender but her gallery is almost exclusively dedicated to works of fandom for the series.

Some of her work is beautiful and shows great promise, while a lot of it seems rather average and uninteresting. But to me it is the few gleaming gems in her gallery that show she has a large amount of talent that only needs to learned to be harnessed and her work will be exceptional, not only as piece of art but also with in the category of ATLA fanart.


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Tashina O.
If beauty were the currency of the world we would all be rich.
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