André Brito

Monday, January 24, 2011

With dramatic lighting and powerful lines, Andre Brito storms todays post with a photography style all his own. Andre's photographs are all shot in black and white which when done poorly is dull and looks like the artist was trying to hard to bring a foreign element to their work. However his work is bold and strong, I can not imagine this beautiful and inspiring pieces in anything other then the two most contrasting of colors. Andre marries form and shape with contrast and lighting so well I wonder how any one could ever hope to compete. His gallery is filled with beautiful women in striking poses and to me his work brings true meaning to the phrase art not porn. Despite the women being nude and exposing all of their bodies to the camera lens and thus to the world there is nothing dirty or pornographic about the images. They are pure form and motion, accentuating the lines of the female form in a style that is as flattering as it is stirring.

When looking at his work I can't help to feel that women truly are one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet. It brings true the old myths and legends of the temptresses and sirens of the old world while keeping the focus simple and modern. I truly feel his gallery is an example of what it means to capture true beauty in motion. But unlike other artist who photograph with dramatic lighting and subtle lines he does not stay with in the realm of normal. In his gallery there are a great many images with props. Not the usual run of the mill props though, his tend to leave the impression of sky dancers and hidden meanings. From a photographers standpoint I hope to someday be as skilled and talented as he is.



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Tashina O.
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