
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Let me start off my apologizing for not updating for almost a week. I'm afraid some personal stuff came up which prevented me from having access to the internet. However this shouldn't happen again as I have discovered that I can write posts and set the become public at a designated time on a certain day and I can do this for days in advance. So I will work on writing two a day so that the new, beautiful and talented artists never stop coming. Now on to the art, once again I know not the name of today's artists but instead of coming up with some sort of crazy inspiring name I will simply call her by the name she has chosen to be known by on the internet, Airgirl39. I don't know if any of you are fans Avatar: The Last Airbender but her gallery is almost exclusively dedicated to works of fandom for the series.

Some of her work is beautiful and shows great promise, while a lot of it seems rather average and uninteresting. But to me it is the few gleaming gems in her gallery that show she has a large amount of talent that only needs to learned to be harnessed and her work will be exceptional, not only as piece of art but also with in the category of ATLA fanart.



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Tashina O.
If beauty were the currency of the world we would all be rich.
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