Andrew W

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Alright so for starters I'm giving up on saying artists names sense it seems the vast majority of them don't put it on the internetz (which I can't blame them not even I put my real name on here) So if they don't have their name up I'll just go by their online ID. Now with that said the name of today's artists (drum roll!!!) Andrew W! Now he doesn't have much (ok almost nothing) in his gallery but there are two pieces that I absolutely adore. The first is the piece above titled "Dreams of Ryloth" See I love the race called Twi'Lek's from the Star Wars universe and I have seen hundreds of images depicting them (literally hundreds I have almost 1000 saved to my computer and seen hundread's more I didn't think were worth saving) but there is something about this piece that just stands out to me and makes it rememberable. 



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