Or B. Barber according to her profile, is an exceptionally talented costumer. She creates masks, boots, gloves, wings, staffs and other elements to create some of the most stunning costume pieces I've seen available for public purchase. Although her work is not cheap it is defiantly worth it, made to order and crafted for looks as well as durability I'm shocked it took so long for me to discover her.
It seems like she can make anything, and have it seem natural! So many times I've seen people make costume pieces for mythical creatures with strangely shaped legs and it just ends up looking horrible. I don't know how but she found solutions to even the most puzzling of costuming questions. Such as with her Gargoyle feet, if you look you can see that the persons foot is actually flat on the ground allowing for easy movement and solid balance.
Another type of beautiful and amazing creations are her moth wings, made of fabric and foam they keep the feel of being moth like while being flexible and durable. With a little partnering with a fellow artist they were able to create hands free wing mechanism with programming!