Today's talented artist is Aditya Ikranegara, with his sketch digital paint style. Honestly I haven't come acroos another artist who's work looks like his, unlike most digital painters (and regular artist) Aditya does not refine every detail of his images. Instead leaving them rough and clear, showing every line and stroke of the image outside of a designated area. With almost all of his works there is a specific area where he refines and smoothes the image to be of the highest quality and then lets the rest stay in an almost sketch like state. Normally I would see these works and unfinished and not execptional but when Aditya does, the work feels not only complete but has a level of realism that goes beyond the visable. When looking at the works I feel as though he has captured not only the image but all the moevement and emotion with in it, as though this is not a picture but a window.
Such as with the peice above titled "Hunter" my mind wanders around the characters and comes up with stories about those two, who they are, what they are doing, why they are there. There is such a level of depth and emotion captured with in his works and with such simple lines, makes me feel almost as if I could do it especially sense he has a tutorial. Honestly I feel though that it is missing some key steps and components to it and if I were to try and replicate it... well it wouldn't look even close to half as good as his.
On a side note there is a new gadget on the sidebar, see the little vote box? Click it! You know you want to. It is a little application that was made and is hosted by which in case you didn't know it's.... well it's hard for me to explain any better then they did so I'll just copy past.
"Blog Writer Award presents best blogs of blogging world and their stories to thousands of readers daily.
Most common problem today with blogs is that altought there are many quality blogs out there,readears don't get the chance to read them nor blog witers can present their posts and stories to larger communty.We connect readers and blog writers indepent from search engines results while our blogs are choosen by readers."
So there you go, now you know what it is. Now that you know what it is you should be even more encrouadged to click the little vote button. Thank you so much for reading! Hopefully see you back tomorrow.