
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Well this post is for all you crafty people out there, especially those of you involved in Steam punk society. Hopefully everyone here knows what that is? Any one? Any one? Well just incase you don't know I shall let Richard Castle explain with all the elegance I love him for, Steampunk is "a subculture that embraces the simplicity and romance of the past and at the same time couples it with the hope and promise and sheer supercoolness of futuristic design.A perfect description I might say of a wonderful sub-culture, ah if only I had the money to buy the garb and gear I wanted for it.... Oh well being broke comes with being a college student I hear. Anyway now that you know what Steampunk is it is time to show you the craftiness of this amazing artist!

Have you ever tried jewelry making? I did a couple times, all I could manage was putting beads on strings and making them look pretty with a few dangly things. Nothing amazing complicated or difficult, but his work is just... wow. I mean what else is there to say? I don't have any idea what else to say or how else to say it. Each piece is so small and delicate with such fine craftsmanship and attention to detail. These are model pieces of the style for jewelry and for sculptures. Although many of the rings look similar in design and coloration each one is uniquely different as the maker intended and has it's own feel and personality to go with it. Honestly I'm a little confused as to how he can make such small things so delicate and intricate, I would love to have a chance to sit down and watch him work. I'm certain it would be inspiring and educational. But this talented artisan does not limit himself to jewelry making, oh no he explores other areas of self expression as well. Experimenting in photography (with some lovely images I might add), traditional medias as well as having a few design and interface pieces in his gallery.

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Ein Lee

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm sorry dear art lovers that I haven't updated in forever, also that in my last few posts there was only the images and no words or explanations or meaning rabble like this current sentence. Honestly I'm shocked at how many people still visited the site even though it was static for such a long time. Well have no fears for I am back and ready to work. I could go into a huge long sob story about why I couldn't update and how horrible I felt but long story short I was to dang tired to do anything other then sleep.... I've heard working to hard does that to a person. Now onto the next great artist!

Incase you weren't already able to tell from the giant link at the top of the page today's lovely artist is Ein Lee. I love find their work very inspiring for me and hopefully for other people. So often I see the manga style used and abused so the art just looks like crap and sometimes I loose hope that people can actually draw in that style with out making their viewers cringe in pain. Well that is when I haven't been able to watch a good anime or read a good manga. Lee's work a beatuiful marrying of cartoon and realism, natrual leaning towards the cartoonism. 

Now not only is the work beautiful with shape and style but the subjects they are about and speak to the viewer of are very powerful and full of emotion. I'm not seeing as many static emotionless dolls in this gallery as I do with so many others, the works has flickers of life and intent behind the pretty lines and rich colors. Naturally it seems to me that all manga artists love to draw fan art and Lee is no exception; with a variety of fandoms running from Avatar: The Last Airbender to The Little Mermaid, I wish more fan art was of this caliber.


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Tashina O.
If beauty were the currency of the world we would all be rich.
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