
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Here's something you don't see everyday, underwater photography, and it's created by the talented Alberich. I know this is the first photographer that has been featured on zee blog and it is rather fitting because this is the artist that finally convinced me to create an account with deviantart in order to follow artist the easy way. I found him when I was in 8th grade I think it was... hmm when was it... well anyways when I first saw his work I was mesmerized by the purity and imagination of his work. One thing you should know is that I love (LOVE!) mermaids! Probably an unholy degree I have more images of mermaids saved on my computer then some people have hard-drive, and his work stirred and awoke those love and longings. I mean really is it that hard to imagine a tail on this models?

So not only does Alberich's work entice imagination but  there is also the mastery of the work. Sense finding him I have tried to find other artists with a similar portfolio as him and have only found one other who consistently shoots beautiful photographs underwater, however theirs is a completely different style and will eventually be featured in this blog. I adore his way with reflections, in many of his works it appears as though the model is flying or walking on water and that they are above the water looking at their reflection instead of looking being under it's surface and looking up. I would love to know how he takes his photographs and where; does he have his own pool? Does he rent a space out? Is it actually smaller then it appears just lard enough for the artist and the model? So many questions which I doubt will ever be answered as he seems to have stopped updating sense sometime in july of 2010.



Anonymous at: May 11, 2011 at 7:07 PM said...

Actually, I just got tired of dealing with the DA staff ...

I haven't quit posting on DA completely but I put everything up on Flickr first.

Thanks for noticing ... did you the one of Jezebel in the haut couture tail?


{ Tashina O. } at: May 26, 2011 at 11:22 AM said...

I'll have to start watching flicker then! I did see Jezebel once and I thought it was absolutely fantastic! I still have yet to find a portfolio to rival yours. I can't wait to see what you continue to create.

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Tashina O.
If beauty were the currency of the world we would all be rich.
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