Jenny Dolfen

Friday, February 10, 2012

Why yes that is a Lord of the Rings picture up there, and yes I do enjoy the Lord of the Rings series in both its book and its movie format. Though it's been some time sense I haven't read the books so I should probably do that. Anyway's that is all irrelevant the important part of this the artist. Jenny Dolfen, a beautifully talented artist with flair and style. Everybody wants the new hip modern look, to be at the forefront of cutting edge design so for me seeing an artist with such an organic and natural feel is truly a treat. Although she does work with the computer from time to time even her digital work has a more natural and traditional feel. To me some of her work is reminiscent of the art nouveau which is a pleasure to see as I only know of a few artists who mange to cooperate the style into work and have it feel natural and beautiful.

Dolfen is also an absolute sweet heart for having several tutorials on her Deviantart page helping those who wish to follow in her footsetps. Her style is unique and stands out wile avoiding the pit falls of being trendy or dated and for that I applaud her. If you want to stay up to date with all of her going ons might I suggest following her blog?

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Tashina O.
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