Now let us see who is up for todays inspection, oh look it's Johannes Voß. He has some... uhm interesting pieces in his gallery that is for sure. Like his one peice "Raupture - for Alex" I'd link it but it's defiantly more then a PG-13 rating I would think. Though it does shore great anatomy and lighting. But for the rest of his gallery which is a little more PG I find absolutely exquisite. Detail lighting anatomy it's all beautiful and inspiring in it's detail and accuracy but more important then that to me is the content. If you want a look at anatomy studies of every kind I would suggest downloading some of his studies, Johannes has kindly scanned pages and pages and pages of them for others to look at, learn from and perhaps use as reference, they can be found [here].
Not only is his work visually appealing but many of them are fun and lighthearted such as his war picture for his friend that has smilie and frowny faces for good and bad guys [Buibui Attack - for Jana] some are lighthearted and fun while others show mystery and depth. I have a feeling that no matter who you are you can find several interpretations in his works, such as his one piece "Inner Universe". Johannes is also an excellent example of an artist who works well together, there are several pieces in his gallery that are made in collaboration with other artists, many of which seem to be his friends in real life. It's nice to know that people with different styles and perspectives are able to come together to create something beautiful.