
Monday, February 14, 2011

Alessandra is the talented person of the day and lets say that it wont be hard to be a fan of work if your fans of other things as most of her gallery is all about the fandom! I don't know about you but I like fan based works (especially when couples in said work is what I ship) especially high quality fan work. Honestly there isn't enough of this kind or work around, there are thousands of fandom artists who make lots and lots of work... but it doesn't look all that hot. For her work it is defiantly quality over quantity which i think is the best of all mottos. For a look at how she makes some (one of her many styles) of work take a look [here].

I suppose I should apologize for failing to post everyday like was my intention and plan, it's just a little harder to find the energy and the time in my life then I thought it would be. Who knew working two jobs and going to college full time could be so time consuming (and energy draining) I sure didn't realize, at first it wasn't hard. Then I got a social life, this [here] really is the perfect way to explain it and apparently trying to do all three really is impossible.



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Tashina O.
If beauty were the currency of the world we would all be rich.
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