Mystery Artist 1

Friday, January 21, 2011

It's another day so another artist, this day is a talented cartoonist who's name unfortunately I do not know. However a lack of name only adds to the mystique of their work... yah that sounds fancy. Anyway's  Regardless of knowing his name or not (lets just call him Mr. E) his talent is not diminished, with vibrant color and a unique style of coloring Mr. E is a very talented self proclaimed cartoonist with a great deal of promise and personal flair. Not only does he show several variations of his key style and create women of sumptuous form but he has also redesigned my personal favorite Disney character in a new, unique and beautiful way.

Mr. E has also been kind enough to have several lovely tutorials which are very informative and useful, they can be found at [linky] I would suggest watching them at some point especially if you admire his style. Now go and pursue his gallery and admire the beautiful wonderfully candy colored images.



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Tashina O.
If beauty were the currency of the world we would all be rich.
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