
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Another week another artist, I'm thinking about trying to write a post a week and then slowly working my way up to one a day as I'm not very good with sticking to it right now. But that is neither here nor there, what is here right now though is none other then Genzoman himself! I've been watching him for a while now and he comes out with new stuff all the time, a substantial part of it is of fandoms that I enjoy.

However after seeing piece after piece of new art I have to admit they are all somewhat blurring together. I feel like a lot of it is the same composition with the same colors with the same style. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but it gets sort of dull. I feel like I've seen all of his art at this point even if something is "new" because they all sort of look the same. Maybe it's how he color his pieces of work? I've found that also help with all the different pieces blending together.

Don't get me wrong he is still an exceptionally talented artists who is defiantly worth checking out, this is just my humble opinion. One thing I really like about his work is his pull of inspiration from mythology and folklore of the obscure nature. Nearly every piece has a story or paragraph describing the historical tale of what is depicted, not only do you get to look at pretty art but learn some ancient legends to!



{ Charlie } at: January 15, 2012 at 5:26 PM said...

These are great, I'll have to check the rest of his work out :)

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Tashina O.
If beauty were the currency of the world we would all be rich.
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